International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 23 Num. 2 - June 2023


Improving Self-Acceptance of Body Shaming using Gratitude Journal Method

Volume 23 Num. 2 - June 2023 - Pages 221-226


Hikmawati, Fenti , Azizah, Nuraini , Basyai, Aisyah Cikal Putri , Ramdani, Zulmi


The primary objective of this study is to address the issue of low self-acceptance caused by Body Shaming. In order to promote positive aspects of human beings, such as engaging in Gratitude Journal activities, the Gratitude Journal was utilized. The study is a experiment with a Pretest-Posttest Random Group Design that focuses on early adult female victims of Body Shaming. The sample consists of 20 participants, 10 in the Treatment Group and 10 in the Control Group. These participants were selected using a non-probability incidental sampling technique, and they all shared similar initial conditions, including awareness of the psychological effects of Body Shaming and the desire to overcome the problem. Regarding the Treatment Group, the intervention was a 21-day Gratitude Journal activity, which involved writing down the good things obtained in life. The measuring tools used included the Self-Acceptance Scale and the Gratitude Scale. The results showed that Gratitude Journal were effective in improving both self-acceptance (p= .004) and gratitude (p= .005). This study concluded that victims of Body Shaming can improve their self-acceptance and overcome the psychological effects they experience.

How to cite this paper: Arrigoni F, Marchena-Consejero E, & Navarro-Guzmán JI (2023). Telepsychology: Clinical Utility of the Transdiagnostic Unified Protocol with University Students. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 23, 2, 195-206.

Key words:

body shaming; gratitude journal; positive life; self-acceptance

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