International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 22 Num. 2 - June 2022


Tensión individualismo-gregarismo en la configuración psicológica del ser humano II: arquetipos de yo gregario [Individualism-Gregariousness Tension in the Psychological Configuration of the Human Being, II: Archetypes of Gregarious Self]

Volume 22 Num. 2 - June 2022 - Pages 99-141


Jesús Gil Roales-Nieto


This article is the second essay in a series on the historical development of psychological configurations of the self. It presents the different psychological configurations of the gregarious type of self, which emerged in the early stages of humanity. The article first presents an overview of prehistoric human development and the various difficulties in studying the behavior of early humans. Second, it presents the characteristics of the different psychological configurations of gregarious selves, differentiating between two levels of archaic gregarious self, and the later development of the classical gregarious self. Finally, some basic lines in the configuration of the gregarious archetypes are delimited.

How to cite this paper
Gil Roales-Nieto, J (2022). Tensión individualismo-gregarismo en la configuración psicológica del ser humano II: arquetipos de yo gregario [Individualism-Gregariousness Tension in the Psychological Configuration of the Human Being, II: Archetypes of Gregarious Self]. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 22, 2, 99-141.

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