International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 18 Num. 1 - March 2018


Teaching Children to Create Metaphorical Expressions

Volume 18 Num. 1 - March 2018 - Pages 27-38


Ana Isabel Ramón Cortés , Francisco Javier Molina Cobos , Jonathan Tarbox


its relevance, most studies about this topic have focused on measuring the performance of a variety of populations on this skill and relating it to biological substrates or other cognitive abilities and there are little or no published studies on procedures for training the creation of metaphorical expressions. The current study evaluated a multiple exemplar training procedure for training simple metaphorical expressions in 4 six-year-old participants. Results demonstrated that all participants acquired the skill and demonstrated generalization, suggesting that multiple exemplar training may be effective for teaching children to create simple metaphorical expressions.

How to cite this paper: Ramón-Cortés AI, Molina-Cobos FJ, & Tarbox J (2018). Teaching Children to Create Metaphorical Expressions. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 18, 27-38.

Key words:

metaphorical language, non-literal language, multiple exemplar training.

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