International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 10 Num. 1 - March 2010


Implementation Intentions and Artificial Agents

Volume 10 Num. 1 - March 2010 - Pages 41-53


Javier Gonz?lez Marqu?s , Carlos Pelta


We have developed a computer simulation comparing the behavior of two artificial agents (A0 and A1), both of which imitate the use of implementation intentions for achieving a goal R. However, A0 is more balanced for obtaining the goal intention ?I intend to achieve R!? while A1 is more balanced for obtaining the implementation intention ?I intend to do R when situations L are encountered!?. We have accomplished the statistical analysis (including confidence intervals) and A1 improved the global performance of A0. Our simulation confirms partially the relevance of implementation intentions for social cognition in humans.

Key words:

social cognition, implementation intentions, artificial intelligence, computational simulation

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