International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 18 Num. 2 - June 2018


Ideaciones suicidas en adolescentes, relaciones paternofiliales y apego a los iguales

Volume 18 Num. 2 - June 2018 - Pages 163-177


María de la Villa Moral Jiménez , Sara Quintana Rey


Suicidal ideations in adolescents, paternal affiliations and attachment to peers. This study analyzes possible predictors variables about suicidal ideation in nonclínical teenagers, like parental socialization style (authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent and negligent) and attachment to peers. The sample is formed by 204 Spanish students from different academic centers whose age are between 12 and 18 years (M= 14.29; SD= 1.59). The results wich have been got have revealed greater suicidal ideation in teenagers with a low level of trust and communication in their relationship with their peers, as in those ones with authoritarian and negligent parents. It has not been observed differences between genus or age ranges. In agreement with the suicidal negative ideation explicative model, has been found peer alienation group, in the same form, having an authoritarian mother, establish risk factors.

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