International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

Volume 11 Num. 2 - June 2011


Contextual Control and Generalization of Say-Do Correspondence. A Preliminary Study

Volume 11 Num. 2 - June 2011 - Pages 269-284


M?nica Hern?ndez L?pez , Miguel Rodr?guez Valverde , Carmen Luciano


The purpose of this study is to analyze the conditions that permit the contextual control of correspondence and its generalization to stimuli under which correspondence was not explicitly trained. Eight typically developing preschool children participated in the experiment. Two sets of five easily recognizable and familiar stimuli were used as contextual cues for correspondence and non-correspondence training. Using instructions and differential contingencies for correspondence and non-correspondence, children were trained to do what they previously had said (say-do correspondence) with three elements of one set, and to do something different to what they previously had said (non-correspondence) with three elements of the other set. The remaining two elements of each set were then tested for their function as discriminative-like stimuli for either correspondence or non-correspondence. Results showed generalization of the two different forms of say-do relations for six participants out of eight. In most test trials, participants showed adequate correspondence or non-correspondence with untrained say-do sequences.

Key words:

Say-do correspondence, contextual control, generalization, behavior-behavior relations, rule-following

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